Finding a Balance

Once of the frustrations of being a parent has been trying to think of food that everyone might eat at mealtimes. It is not an easy task. Usual at a mealtime there is at least one person who decides that what we are about to have is not something that they like, and they then proceed to ensure that all at the table know they are not happy. Negotiations wrangle as each mouthful is encouraged over reluctant lips, and eventually a good portion of the meal is consumed and the unhappy consumer is allowed to leave the table.

I find the situation all the more upsetting, because I’m not a terrible cook. Instead those who come to eat at our house usually leave quite happy with what they have received. Unfortunately the residents don’t seem to be happy.

All our meals include a broad range of vegetables, and we work our way around proteins and carbohydrates. That’s where the problem lies. One resident would prefer red meat in its variant forms and potatoes, while the other is more a past or pizza fiend. My belief though is no negotiation. I do not have time or imagination to cook more than one meal, so what is on your plate is what you are having.

That of course does not mean that I have not listened to the differing tastes and ideas. Instead the breadth hopefully contains something that is liked by at least one person each day. However there is also an element of being the parent, the one responsible, that has to come into play. We can’t just eat what we like, we have to make sure that meals offer all the nutrients that are needed to ensure we are eating healthily.

Is this just a family post? Perhaps not. For there are areas of ministry where what is on offer may not suit keep everyone happy. Instead sometimes ground has to be held, as we look for ways to ensure that as the people of God we encounter the fullness of the Holy Spirit.


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