Grown Up Politics

While briefly listening to the Jeremy Vine show between appointments at lunchtime, I caught him introducing one of today’s news items. Len McCluskey, a senior figure in Unite, a British Trades Union, as apparently called on union member’s to use the opportunity of the Olympics for Civil Disobedience.

What caught my attention wasn’t the story, or how I felt about such a call, but instead the response that the Government and the opposition have given. The ConDems have apparently called such action “unacceptable and unpatriotic”, while Labour’s leader has said it’s “wrong”.

The words on both sides just seem wrong. There’s no gravitas and while on this occasion there is no opposing pole of opinion, there’s no strength to the words. They sum up the lack of persuasive argument either way when there is something worth fitting over.

The local evening paper then added to my frustration of political words, as I read the letter of response by a local MSP to a letter earlier in the week from a hoping to be local councillor. The letter sounded of childish tantrum, and what I read from the other person involved sounded smug and nasty.

And do you know, I know that is politics. I know it is about one-up-man-ship, and undermining another’s position and view. But I don’t like it.

Just as I wonder on an almost daily basis why people are no longer seem to be interested in church, I find myself wondering the same about politics. Has it got something to do with the way in which politicians show little respect for each other? Does that translate as having little respect for other people?

I want politicians who do more than give a good impression of knowing their political ground. I want people who care patiently for the communities that they are elected to serve, but also beyond that who care for a society where people can grow and thrive because opportunity is available for all.

Maybe I need to stop reading the evening paper and listening to Jeremy Vine, in the hope that there are other politicians are out there somewhere.


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