Building with personality

A number of churches of varying denominations have been, currently are or will be involved in building projects. Behind these projects there are good sound reasons for getting involved in refurbishment, new building, and re-ordering.

For some the projects are relatively simple and involve decorating and new furniture, making the space more welcoming and inviting to those who wander in to encounter something of a congregation’s faith.

For others the projects are more complex. In times of rising utilities bills, those with two sets of buildings are looking at ways of reducing costs, but still offering the necessary spaces used by church organisations and community groups. Ancient buildings don’t always offer the welcome or space needed to accommodate the differing physical needs of those who use the building, let alone come to worship.

Whatever the reason for engaging in building and changing, those involved in such projects seem to try to keep the purpose of being a group of people gathered under one roof to the forefront of their minds. Their church buildings are places that they want to offer a space for encounter with God, not just for themselves but for those who wander in to be welcomed. Each of those buildings is shaped by the worship practices of the people who meet there and by the story they want to tell of God in their lives, but also include the dreams they have of what their sharing of faith might bring to the community in which it is placed.

Worship space and hall accommodation tell the story of the personalities that have inspired and inhabited them. In some way they also shape the present life of those who wander in them, and while occasionally there are breaks in patterns and new forms of worship and presence that happen, sometimes they find themselves constricted and restricted by the surrounding walls.

Thinking about personality within the shaping of future building has been part of much of my thought for over a year now. The type of worship and ministry of a group of people seems to me to be shaped by what surrounds them. I’ve been wondering about the impact of changing buildings, and the shape that brings to the way in which people share their faith; about how personalities within a congregation might impact on the design of something new; and how about how much the ministry’s understanding of worship, theology and faith should shape the thoughts of others in thinking about the relationship of a congregation to it’s building.

I don’t know I’m looking for answers, but engaging outwardly with my thought processes. I’m spending time with those who have inspired me and exploring their thoughts in how they feel their person has impacted on the places they have served and serve.


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